Community Pods
What is a community pod?
Community pods are small groups designed to provide mutual aid to one another within the larger whole of the network. They are the first line of contact when someone in the pod has a need, and then if no one can provide, they reach out to the wider community of QTMAMA. People in your pod should feel free to ask one another for help with no stigma and no expectations. Your pods are essentially commitments to pool your resources and help each other when someone needs it.
Community pods can be as big or small as necessary; you likely are already part of a "pod" with your friend group. This process is to expand those relationships and assist one another when needed. They tend to be local, either your neighborhood or town, though they don't need to be, especially if your focus is on a queer & trans pod.
How do I start one?
The first step is to reach out to those you want in your pod; your neighbors, friends, family, whoever, and letting them know that you want to connect them in this way. Set up a group chat with everyone, and let them know the general idea of what a pod is. A (somewhat corny) sample message/pitch:
Hi everyone! I wanted to connect you all, as I've wanted to establish us as a community pod. Through this pod, we will provide each other help directly whenever we need it, without any fear of stigma. Everyone needs help sometimes, and everyone has something to offer. I also want us to connect with the larger QTMAMA community for whenever we don't have the resources to help ourselves. Who's in?
Once people are on board, start practicing mutual aid! If someone needs a ride, give it to them. If someone needs some food, provide it. Everyone should feel free to ask the rest for help and never be looked down on for it.
Once you've set up your pod, reach out to us and let us know it exists! As we grow and people start coming to us for support, we may direct people in your area to your pod and have them join it (after giving you a heads up about it).
If you would like to learn more or get involved, use the button below and fill out the form!
Community pod map in the works...